When it comes to convenient shopping and great deals Bi-Lo near me has no competition. Whether you buy products daily or your buy products in bulk Bi-Lo locations are the ideal places for you. Bi-Lo is a supermarket chain based in America and as of October 2015, the company has a total of 164 locations.

Bi-Lo Near Me
The company was founded in 1961, nearly 58 years ago and previously it was headquartered in Mauldin, South Carolina. But, as of now, the company is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. The company operates in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia and is serving the needs of the residents of these areas in the best way. It has 123 stores in South Carolina, 24 stores in North Carolina, and 17 stores in Georgia.
There is more than one reason to why Bi-Lo near me should be your first choice when it comes to grocery shopping. First, you get everything under one roof, whether its bakery items, snacks, or supplements, Bi-Lo locations provide you all of this and more. Secondly, their quality is without any question the highest you are going to get. Even though they have kept the prices quite low they have not compromised on the quality of their products. Thirdly, they offer different deals to help you save money on purchases.
You can sign up for SE Grocer rewards, so when you purchase items from Bi-Lo supermarkets you can earn points. Also you can earn points for purchase eligible products and later you can redeem those points and earn rewards. You can use a Bi-Lo store locator to find stores and redeem your points.
First, you need to register for this program and once you are registered you can earn points and keep track of them from your online account.
Bi-Lo also offers different deals to allow you to save money and earn rewards. You can get digital coupons as well that offers different discounts on different products. You can make use of the weekly deals as well that offers discounts which are different, depending on the Bi lo supermarket in your location.
The company also offers its app to allow easy access to its deals and other features. You can download this app for free and you will be able to view every deal it offers. You can also view rewards and keep track of the points you have earned.
Another feature that the company offers is the home-delivery. It is very fast and efficient and you will get the products delivered to your door within an hour. When you become a member you don’t have to pay any delivery fee for the first two weeks.
You have to enter the zip code of your location and you will connect to a store near you. And you can view the items available and get updates whenever a new item is added to the stock. Also you can enjoy all these benefits at Bi stores and if you don’t know the locations you can use a Bi lo store locator and avail the benefits.