Items sourced from around the globe are offered by Nam Dae Mun Farmers Market near me that’s committed to serving the communities. The retail and wholesale food company has around 8 stores.
The corporate offer a great selection of exotic foods that are not offered by traditional grocery stores. They aim to enrich the lifestyle of the communities they are connected to, including diverse ethnic families. They are also want to create jobs, allow career development opportunities, and take part in different community outreach activities.
The first store was opened in 2005 and they have continued to grow since then. Their mission is to offer their customers international foods as well as incredible savings opportunities.
If you want to check your Nam Dae Mun gift card balance, you have to fill out an online form. Furthermore, the employees are provided with opportunities for promotions, transfer, and development based on their performance, ability potential, and skills. Nam Dae Mun Farmers Market also allows you to suggest a product. If you think their stores are missing a product, you can give feedback to them through their platform.
They accept different payment methods including cash, MasterCard, American Express, and Visa. If you are ordering online, you can pay through debit or credit cards. When you arrive at the store, they will load the products into your car. For your first order, there is no fee, but after that, you have to pay a service fee for each order.
When you have placed an order, you can’t make changes to it, and if you want to make changes, you have to cancel your current order and place a new one. The company also provides you with a range of recipes including beverages, desserts, breakfast, and more. If you are looking for deals and offers, you should check the weekly ad for your local store.